Senin, 02 Desember 2019

The benefits of carrot

The Benefits of Carrot Juice for your Skin

           There are many vegetables with various benefits for our bodies, one of which is carrots.
But there are many people who don't like carrots.  In fact, raw carrots are better to eat than cooked carrots.  Carrots are very good for the body, and also beneficial for skin beauty.  This rabbit's favorite vegetable contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, including beta carotene which will be converted into vitamin A by the body.  Vitamin A itself is a vitamin that helps fight acne and slows cell death, also reduces the effects of premature aging due to direct sunlight.
     There are many people who don't like carrots because people make variations of food or drinks from carrots that are more delicious and interesting, as an alternative to eating it in the form of soup or other vegetables, you can eat carrots as juice.  According to nutritionist and founder of Edible Beauty Ana Mitsios, carrot juice is also beneficial so that the body can fight infections and reduce the effects of inflammation on the skin. These are some of the benefits of carrots.

1. Heal the wound
           "Carrot juice has a high content of beta carotene, which will be converted into retinol, one of the      
      purest forms of vitamin A," Mitsios explained.  He then added that vitamin A is useful in reducing redness  
      and inflammation of the skin.  Use carrot juice as a mask and feel the benefits of this beauty on your skin.

 2. Overcoming Skin Damage due to the Sun.
             According to Dr.  Purvisha Patel, dermatologist and founder of Visha Skincare, contains a type of 
     antioxidant called falkarinol in carrots that is useful for treating sunburnt on the skin.  He then added, "The 
     carotene content in it also acts as a sunscreen for your skin." However, he still stressed the importance of      
     using sunscreen, because these carrots are natural as extra natural sunscreens.

 3. Increase metabolism
             Dr.  Patel also mentioned that carrot juice can increase energy and metabolic levels.  This is because 
     the benefits of B vitamins are also contained in carrots, which break down glucose, fat, and protein and    
     ensure this energy is used efficiently by our body.

4. Reducing Acne
          Mitsios again mentions the benefits of beta carotene in carrot juice, which is useful for controlling the 
   appearance of acne on the skin.  "I suggest to consume carrot juice and use it as a mask regularly," he said.

 5. Stimulate Collagen Production
          "Vitamin C in quite high levels in carrot juice also works to stimulate collagen production and maintain 
     skin elasticity, Mitsios said. Collagen is a protein that can only be produced in the body, which makes     
     our skin look healthy, supple, and stay young.

 6. Gives Luster to the Skin
           Carotenoids in carrots are powerful antioxidants to free coolies from free radicals that make skin dull.  
     "Carrot juice not only hydrates the skin, but also maintains skin's moisture, making it look shiny," explains 

        So for those of you who don't like carrots, you can make the juice version, but don't use too much sugar, because it's also not good, friend.  There are many benefits of carrot juice for skin beauty.  For those of you who still don't like to consume it, let's start trying it for healthier and more beautiful skin!

2 komentar:

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