Sabtu, 30 November 2019

Healty food for your bodies

Healty food for your bodies

As we know, there are currently a lot of unhealthy foods or fast foods that are sold, and we tend to prefer instant and easy-to-eat foods.
As the slogan said "easy, fast and cheap" , many people innovate to make new foods without thinking about the contents contained in these foods whether it is healthy or not they do not care about the most important thing for them that food is attractive and uses little capital. Eating healthy food is very important for us to cultivate early. Someone who consumes healthy food can continue to maintain a healthy body because it continues to control the things consumed by the body by keeping the body from healthy things consumed from an early age so that it becomes a habit.

       Healthy food is food that contains a lot of nutrients needed by the body. Nutrients needed by the body are useful for caring for and maintaining the body's metabolism so it does not get sick. Healthy food itself has conditions so that it can be said to be healthy food. First, healthy food must be clean, have good and balanced nutrition. Healthy food balance is measured by carbohydrate, protein, fat and vitaman content. The amount of chemicals contained in food can make us lack the body's metabolism. So for that our bodies need adequate intake and of course it is contained in the food we consume every day. content needed by the body is found in foods such as: rice, wheat, cassava containing carbohydrates, tofu, tempeh, eggs, meat, which contain protein. vegetables that contain minerals, and fruits and milk that contain vitamins. The purpose of eating healthy food for our bodies is to keep our bodies healthy, grow, and develop properly. Healthy and nutritionally balanced food does not mean expensive and delicious food. Healthy foods according to nutritionists contain four kinds of foods, namely: staple foods, side dishes, vegetables and fruit.

1. Staple foods
Staple foods contain a lot of carbohydrates (starcg). For example rice, corn, cassava, and etc. carbohydrates are needed by the body as a source of energy, frkm this power sound, we can do all activities.

2. Side dishes
Sidd dishes cintain a lot of protein and fat that are used to builf the body and replace damaged calld. Examples included in side dishes are meat, fish, chicken, eggs, tempeh, tofu and others.

3. Vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits contain lots of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are needed by the body to maintain the body and are nit susceptible to disease. Example of vegetables are spinach, kale, carrots, and others.

4. Fruits
We need to eat enough fruit everyday like manggo, apple, papaya, banana and other.
So, if you want to your body stay healthy you need to consume a lots of food and good food in your daylilife. And of course dont forget to add milk to your healthyfood

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