Senin, 18 November 2019

Kind Of Beautiful

Kind Of Beautiful

Many people believe that natural beauty comes to the people themselves, natural beauty comes from their souls.

according to some people beautiful it comes from the eye of the beholder,  it means that beautiful depends on who sees it, what according to each beautiful person is different, because the beautiful portion of each person is different, that is what people said with beautiful is relative, so they said beautiful is depends on what they think is beautiful. in my opinion natural beauty is how we take care of ourselves, think positively, do good things, then the beautiful aura will appear in us, that is what is said to be natural but if you have used various kinds of products to make yourself beautiful it is not considered beautiful natural.
In the European era in Europe, their beauty standards were pale, blond and curved, while the beauty trends in America today are brown, blonde and thin. whereas in Korea they have higher standards, S-line body, white skin, V-line face, shining face, round eyes with 2 folds of eyelids, high and small nose and etc. now being beautiful is very important, as if we are not beautiful we cannot live socializing and mingling with society, because we are not confident in who we are. beauty is becoming a trend in the modern world today, we can find various beauty products in every store, even online, we can find it. in developed countries there are even operations to change the shape of the body to be more beautiful as desired even we can resemble the person we want, this is called beautiful for human hands or permanent beauty because of surgery.

Make-up and cosmetics are some of the biggest industries of the world and it seems like people just cannot get enough of it. However, I do have to agree that some make-up, such as mineral make-up, is great to use because it is actually healthy for your skin.In these days, women pile on the make-up so that they look like clowns, and then at the end of the day their faces look like they are falling off. If the women who use make-up excessively knew the facts about the damage it does to the skin, then they might essentially switch to mineral make-up or use less. Most people think that make-up is helping them look younger or it accentuates them, but in all actuality make-up ages the skin and hides away the true beauty.

Hair dye is one of the worst inventions ever. Most people boast their hair because it is one of the most natural things our bodies produce.  Having healthy hair is very important for good health; it makes people have good self-esteem, knowing that they have good and healthy hair. In fact, when people get their hair dyed, it actually damages healthy hair and won't grow back to be healthy as before. The second picture is the effect of use of hair pains for allergy users, if heavenly careful in the selection of hair cat materials will get hazardous effects for use.

Plastic surgery is increasingly popular with men and women of all ages in the United States, and has become a trend worldwide. Plastic surgery is probably the most unnatural thing a person can do to his own body.  Plastic surgery is very risky not only because the person is put under the knife, but also because the body can reject the implant.  Also, doctors may be able to make mistakes and cut wrong in the area. Second, people can get addicted to plastic surgery because it becomes almost like a medicine for them. People are addicted to plastic surgery because the body produces chemicals that are similar to the effects of drugs, and once you do one operation, you will tend to have more after that. When people do plastic surgery, it's easy to find out because they seem to have unnatural carved forms on their bodies. People must be aware of all the losses that can be caused by plastic surgery both physically and mentally. People die from plastic surgery and also by its side effects.  In my opinion, trying to look beautiful shouldn't harm your life.

I believe that people must have natural and raw beauty. Things like make-up, hair dye, and plastic surgery hide a person's natural beauty. These things are very dangerous for the body and mind, and it's a shame that people will try hard to be beautiful. When people don't feel beautiful, they switch to using make-up, tanning, hair dye, and plastic surgery as a way out, but in the end, beauty is only skin deep.

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